Monday, October 8, 2018

Below are a variety of Geo Related Power Points and Worksheets to prepare you for the Geo Exam. More information about the Geography Exam and Geo Unit will be given in class.

1) ULTIMATE GEO POWERPOINT - This pretty much has it all. This is used in class, great practice exams & lots of info. This big file will take a few minutes to download.

2) 2017 COLORED MAP PACKET / 2009 COLORFUL MAP PACKET Study Guide  - These are scanned map packets done by legendary students Joanne Lee Grace Cho, EriKa Roos and Connie Chen. Be happy here folks! You will have a much easier time identifying locations on a blank map packet thanks to these girls. You can use this power point to study geography locations and statistics. Mr P highly recommends using this to study for the Geo Exam.

3) BLANK GEO MAP PACKETS - Print Geo Packet out below (if possible). Mr P will be handing out a map packet in class to each student. The map packet is like the maps listed below. Each student will get 1 map packet. The purpose of having these maps online is several folds.

A) To use as a practice blank map for studying purposes.
B) To replace lost map packets.
C) Visual for parents to know what map packet handout looks like.

    Great if you missed class or want to hear the instructions again.

5) GEO MUSIC  - Some music to listen to from around the world as you work on your map. If you know other cool instrumental songs from around the world that your fellow students do NOT likely know about but are culturally special and cool to listen to, email the link to Mr P so he can add it to the play list. Have fun!

SUPER COOL GEO VIDEO LECTURES --- These are short video lectures by prominent professors. These lectures demonstrate that Geo is so much more than just locations. It relates to culture, economics, politics, religion and much much more. 

2) Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine (2010)
3) Hans Rosling: No more boring data: TEDTalks
4) Hans Rosling on Ageing Europe
5Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?
6) Hans Rosling: Religions and babies
7) Hans Rosling: Asia's rise -- how and when
8) Hans Rosling on global population growth
9) Hans Rosling on HIV: New facts and stunning data visuals
10) Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live
11) Hans Rosling: River of Myths 

12) Hans Rosling & Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world?

Once you have a decent understanding of locations, start to look at geographical statistics. Check out this Geo Stat website:  Enjoy! Click to watch tutorial on how to use

A) Each Group will be assigned 1 of the topics below. 
B) Group, individually or together, follow a suggested process below:

a) Speculate / Forethought Before you analyze info, guess what you think the information will say about the 2 topics.
b) General Data Discovery - After you have analyzed the information,create a generalization about your topics (ie the higher the income per person, the higher the life expectancy). Was your original forethought correct / incorrect?
c) Evidence - Using the gapminder information for your topics, give examples to prove your generalization
d)  Interesting Finds - Share something unusual or noteworthy to share with others / Tracking a nation
e)  Skeptical Claim - explain why your generalization might NOT be correct.

1) Life Expectancy & Income Per Person
2) Life Expectancy & Children Per Woman
3) Life Expectancy & Mean years in School (For Men 25+) (For Women 25+)
4) Children Per Woman & Mean Years in School (For Men 25+) (For Women 25+)
5) Suicide (Per 100,000) & Income Per Person
6) Life Expectancy & Personal Cell Phones (per 100 people)
7) Life Expectancy & Age at 1st marriage (woman)
8) Income Per Person & Mean years in School (For Men 25+) (For Women 25+)
9) Death Under Age 5 Per 1000 Births & Income Per Person
10) Life Expectancy & Teen Fertility Rate (Birth per 1,000 Woman Age 15-19)
11) Income Per Person & Teen Fertility Rate (Birth Per 1,000 Woman Age 15-19)

A) Each Group will be assigned 1 of the topics below. 
B) Group, individually or together, follow a suggested process below:

a) Speculate / Forethought Before you analyze info, guess what you think the information will say about the 2 topics.
b) General Data Discovery - After you have analyzed the information,create a generalization about your topics (ie the higher the income per person, the higher the life expectancy). Was your original forethought correct / incorrect?
c) Evidence - Using the gapminder information for your topics, give examples to prove your generalization
d)  Interesting Finds - Share something unusual or noteworthy to share with others / Tracking a nation
e)  Skeptical Claim - explain why your generalization might NOT be correct.

a) 4 per group
b) Work together to figure out 10 locations
c) Write answers on separate piece of paper
d) Divide up 10 locations among 4 students
e) Each member should cover another in case a student is absent
f) Group Presentation should be 2-3 minutes long (30-40 seconds per student)
g) HW: Find out 1 cool fact about your locations to share with class when your group presents

Mr P mentioned in class how Maps don't always tell the truth or distort the truth. Here is a short video illustrating what Mr P was saying.

Why All Maps Are Wrong?

There are many many types of maps. The Mercator World Map makes areas at the bottom or top like Greenland look large and areas in the middle like Brazil look small. At the The True you can compare the true size of areas. Start with Greenland and take it down to Africa and you will get a sense of how Greenland is oversized and Africa is undersized. Have fun!
The True

Mo is Lo under the Sun

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